tacit-, taci-, tace-
(Latin: silent, silence; unspoken; quiet)
Qui tacet consentit. (Latin proverb)
Translation: "He who remains silent consents."
Another translation is "Silence implies consent."
Maintenance of silence; avoidance of saying too much or of speaking freely; disposition to say very little or nothing.
reticent (adjective), more reticent, most reticent
1. Descriptive of someone who is restrained and reserved; given to silence or to say very little: Adam is a reticent refugee who doesn't want to discuss his past with other people in his new country.
2. Etymology: from Latin reticentia, "silence"; from reticere, "to keep quiet"; from re-, "again, once more" + tacere, "to be silent."

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2. Etymology: from Latin reticentia, "silence"; from reticere, "to keep quiet"; from re-, "again, once more" + tacere, "to be silent."

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The Latin for "Be silent!" According to the Oxford English Dictionary, "tace is Latin for a candle, a humorously veiled hint to any one to keep silent about something."
Things to be passed over in silence; matters not to be mentioned.
A musical instruction, or direction that the voice or instrument is to be silent for a time.
It is silent.
A musical notation that directs a singer or instrumentalist to "Be silent" during that portion of a score so marked with Tacet.
tacit (adjective), more tacit, most tacit
1. Characteristic of a thought, an opinion, or an idea, etc. which is unspoken, unvoiced, or emitting no sound; noiseless, wordless: Tacit consideration of others should be understood with no explanation necessary when listening to concerts given on stage.
2. Descriptive of something that is implied and understood, as by an action rather than verbally responding: Greg showed his tacit approval of the trip by nodding and smiling in complete silence.
3. Etymology: from Latin tacitus, "that is passed over in silence, done without words, assumed as a matter of course, silent" from tacere "to be silent".

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2. Descriptive of something that is implied and understood, as by an action rather than verbally responding: Greg showed his tacit approval of the trip by nodding and smiling in complete silence.
3. Etymology: from Latin tacitus, "that is passed over in silence, done without words, assumed as a matter of course, silent" from tacere "to be silent".

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tacit arms control agreement, tacit-arms-control agreement (s) (noun); tacit arms control agreements, tacit-arms-control agreements (pl)
An arms control course of action in which two or more nations participate without any formal agreement having been made.
tacit assumptions
The underlying agreements or statements made in the development of a logical argument, course of action, decision, or judgment that are not explicitly voiced nor necessarily understood by the decision maker or judge.
Some examples of tacit assumptions are those arguments supporting moral, religious, racist, organizational culture, and political arguments.
1. Something which is expressed or understood without being directly stated: Mary felt that she had her parents' tacit consent to stay out late at her friend's birthday party.
2. Knowledge of and an unspoken approval to the commission of an illegal act by another person: When Fred saw his friend eating an extra piece of cake at the restaurant without paying for it, he indicated tacit consent by smiling and winking.
2. Knowledge of and an unspoken approval to the commission of an illegal act by another person: When Fred saw his friend eating an extra piece of cake at the restaurant without paying for it, he indicated tacit consent by smiling and winking.
A reference to having acquired facts about matters that is only available to a certain individual and which is very difficult to share with other people: The scientist's tacit knowledge was difficult to share with his friends, even when he wrote it out or was trying to verbally explain what kind of research he was working on.
Gabrielle has tacit knowledge about data that is understood only by her; so, it is too much trouble for her to attempt to communicate such information to other people with words or symbols.
1. Without speaking; silently; quietly.
2. Without stating or expressing anything; by implication.
3. Understood without being openly expressed; implied: "He tacitly approved of the plan."
4. Silent; saying nothing: "His partner was tacitly noncommital."
5. Unvoiced or unspoken: "The prayers were tacitly conducted."
2. Without stating or expressing anything; by implication.
3. Understood without being openly expressed; implied: "He tacitly approved of the plan."
4. Silent; saying nothing: "His partner was tacitly noncommital."
5. Unvoiced or unspoken: "The prayers were tacitly conducted."
The quality of being tacit; silence.
Tacitum vivit sub pectore vulnus.
A wound unuttered lives deep within the breast.
Virgil gave this perspective that it is better not to suffer personal attacks in silence.
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